It’s a cheap drone, probably under $150. If no one claims it soon, just toss it. But keep the battery out just in case someone tries to reconnect with it.
Zhi said:
It’s a cheap drone, probably under $150. If no one claims it soon, just toss it. But keep the battery out just in case someone tries to reconnect with it.
It’s a ‘REDRIE,’ a toy-grade drone, around €40 on Amazon.
Thanks for confirming that.
Yeah, those are the Temu specials, haha.
Looks like a lost kid’s toy.
irmah said:
Looks like a lost kid’s toy.
Nice work, Sherlock.
It’s kind of cute. You could put it in an incubator and nurse it back to health. Then when it’s ready, let it go in the local area.
Gray said:
It’s kind of cute. You could put it in an incubator and nurse it back to health. Then when it’s ready, let it go in the local area.
This isn’t Pokémon.
Gray said:
It’s kind of cute. You could put it in an incubator and nurse it back to health. Then when it’s ready, let it go in the local area.
This isn’t Pokémon.
I didn’t mean make it battle other drones to the death, just let it roam free.
A drone battle where they shoot out Pokémon-like moves would be awesome though.
SteveGrant said:
A drone battle where they shoot out Pokémon-like moves would be awesome though.
Yeah, you’re right. And a rundown building is the perfect place for that.
That’s a very cheap drone. It likely didn’t come from far away. I’d suggest leaving it out on the curb where people can see it. A kid probably lost it and is upset about it.