I was working at a finance firm in California as a marketing/PR specialist and I have ADHD and anxiety. They knew about it, but after I missed a deadline and had an anxiety attack during a verbal warning, they fired me the next day for being ‘disrespectful.’ Anyone else dealt with something like this? Could really use some advice or thoughts.
Wow, that sounds super stressful. Did they even try to understand what was going on with you? Seems like they didn’t handle it well at all.
Yeah, they didn’t even investigate anything before giving me the warning. It was like they just jumped to conclusions.
That’s so unfair. Did you have any accommodations for your ADHD?
Nope, I tried to advocate for myself but they didn’t seem interested in offering anything to help.
What?! Firing someone for a panic attack? That sounds like discrimination. Did you consult a lawyer about it?
Not yet, but I’m thinking about it. The situation just feels wrong, you know? I was just overwhelmed by everything.
Yeah, for sure. Might be worth talking to an employment lawyer. They could help you figure out if what they did was even legal.
They fired you for that? Ridiculous. I had a similar situation where they didn’t accommodate my anxiety either. I found a lawyer who works on contingency, so maybe that’s something to look into?
Thanks for the tip! Yeah, that might be the next step. Feels like they just didn’t care about how my ADHD and anxiety affected me.
Totally. You deserve to be treated better. Hope it works out for you.
Wait, what’s ADHD again? And how does it affect you at work?
ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It can make it hard to focus and manage time, which definitely impacted me at work. Add anxiety into the mix and it can be overwhelming.
Ah, got it. That sounds rough. Thanks for explaining.