My child is being denied access to the 4th-grade curriculum even though they’ve met all the requirements. He took the test and passed, but the school has some other requirements for access. It’s so confusing and frustrating… has anyone been through something like this?
Wow, that’s rough. Did the school give any explanation as to why they won’t let him in?
River said:
Wow, that’s rough. Did the school give any explanation as to why they won’t let him in?
Not really. They mentioned there were other requirements, but didn’t give me specifics. It’s been a real struggle to get clear answers.
That’s crazy. Have you tried talking to the school board about it? Sometimes they can step in when the school is being uncooperative.
Shai said:
That’s crazy. Have you tried talking to the school board about it? Sometimes they can step in when the school is being uncooperative.
I haven’t yet, but I’m considering it. What exactly did you say in your meeting with the board? Did they help?
Shai said:
That’s crazy. Have you tried talking to the school board about it? Sometimes they can step in when the school is being uncooperative.
I just told them my kid met the requirements and there was no reason to hold them back. After a few talks, they finally agreed to move my child up.
It’s definitely worth trying to get a lawyer involved if you think this falls under the Equal Educational Opportunity Act. It could help you get the ball rolling.
Storm said:
It’s definitely worth trying to get a lawyer involved if you think this falls under the Equal Educational Opportunity Act. It could help you get the ball rolling.
Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. I’ve already contacted a legal service for advice, and they suggested I send a formal letter.
Storm said:
It’s definitely worth trying to get a lawyer involved if you think this falls under the Equal Educational Opportunity Act. It could help you get the ball rolling.
That’s a good step! A formal letter might push them to take you more seriously.
Have you tried calling a local law office to get advice? Maybe they can point you to someone who could help you with a case like this.
Dior said:
Have you tried calling a local law office to get advice? Maybe they can point you to someone who could help you with a case like this.
Yeah, I was thinking about that. I’m not sure where to start though. Any recommendations?
Dior said:
Have you tried calling a local law office to get advice? Maybe they can point you to someone who could help you with a case like this.
If you’re in the US, I’d recommend checking with local bar associations. They might have free consultations or know someone who can help.
This happened with my kid too, and we had to get a lawyer involved. The lawyer helped us write a letter to the school, and it made them reconsider. I’d recommend looking into that route.
Frost said:
This happened with my kid too, and we had to get a lawyer involved. The lawyer helped us write a letter to the school, and it made them reconsider. I’d recommend looking into that route.
That’s encouraging! I’ll definitely consider a lawyer if this continues. I don’t want my kid to fall behind.