My son has had a rough time at school. He’s been bullied since kindergarten, and after trying some private schools that didn’t work out, we’re back in public school. He has autism, ADHD, and a few other challenges, and I’ve been trying to get him into a special class for better support. But the school keeps telling me he doesn’t qualify. I really feel like he’s just being pushed through the system. I don’t know what to do next. Any advice?
That sounds so frustrating! Have you tried talking to an education lawyer? They might be able to help get things moving.
Leith said:
That sounds so frustrating! Have you tried talking to an education lawyer? They might be able to help get things moving.
I haven’t, but that’s a great idea. I feel like I’ve been hitting dead ends with the school. I’ll look into it.
You’re not alone. My son was in a similar situation, and I had to really push to get the right accommodations. Keep advocating for your son!
Caelan said:
You’re not alone. My son was in a similar situation, and I had to really push to get the right accommodations. Keep advocating for your son!
Thanks, I’ll keep pushing. It just feels like I’m being brushed off sometimes.
Maybe try contacting the school board or district office? They can sometimes help if you’re not getting anywhere with the school staff.
Shai said:
Maybe try contacting the school board or district office? They can sometimes help if you’re not getting anywhere with the school staff.
I haven’t thought of that, but I’ll definitely give it a shot. Hopefully, it’ll make them take me seriously.
That’s such a tough situation. I’d definitely recommend looking into the legal route if you haven’t already. It sounds like your son really needs more than they’re offering.
Rohan said:
That’s such a tough situation. I’d definitely recommend looking into the legal route if you haven’t already. It sounds like your son really needs more than they’re offering.
Yeah, he does. I’ll start exploring that option. Thanks for the advice.
I had a similar problem. The school kept pushing my kid through, but after a meeting with the district and a lawyer, things started to change. Hang in there!
Tate said:
I had a similar problem. The school kept pushing my kid through, but after a meeting with the district and a lawyer, things started to change. Hang in there!
What did you do in the meeting? I’d love to know what worked for you.
We presented the documentation and explained how my child wasn’t getting the services he needed. The district was more willing to listen when we got the lawyer involved.