I want to perform a CPU swap, but I need to update my BIOS first. I’ve tried almost everything for troubleshooting. The system boots up showing ‘TERRA’, the manufacturer of this prebuilt, instead of GIGABYTE. My motherboard is a B450M S2H, VERSION: F60e WG.
I’ve followed every step from this link, verified the model a million times, reinstalled Windows, installed the latest chipset, cleared CMOS, tried previous BIOS versions, used a USB pen drive, and even attempted to use the BIOS from GIGABYTE.
My theory is that the BIOS is a custom version from TERRA, which prevents me from flashing a new version from GIGABYTE. What should I do next?
If that’s the case, you need to contact TERRA. Reinstalling Windows and installing drivers is unnecessary since you’re flashing from BIOS/UEFI. Is your USB drive in FAT32 format?