Bios update error - oemid mismatch

I want to perform a CPU swap, but I need to update my BIOS first. I’ve tried almost everything for troubleshooting. The system boots up showing ‘TERRA’, the manufacturer of this prebuilt, instead of GIGABYTE. My motherboard is a B450M S2H, VERSION: F60e WG.

I’ve followed every step from this link, verified the model a million times, reinstalled Windows, installed the latest chipset, cleared CMOS, tried previous BIOS versions, used a USB pen drive, and even attempted to use the BIOS from GIGABYTE.

My theory is that the BIOS is a custom version from TERRA, which prevents me from flashing a new version from GIGABYTE. What should I do next?

If that’s the case, you need to contact TERRA. Reinstalling Windows and installing drivers is unnecessary since you’re flashing from BIOS/UEFI. Is your USB drive in FAT32 format?

Yes, it’s in FAT32. I made sure of that.

You might want to check if TERRA provides any specific BIOS updates. Sometimes OEMs have their own versions that you can only update through them.

Have you tried looking for a BIOS recovery option? Some motherboards have a way to recover from a failed flash.

I haven’t tried that yet. I’ll look into it. Thanks!