I agree with the other comment. Put a screen up to this doesn’t happen again and don’t make this baby die a slow painful death of starvation and dehydration. Catch them and release them back outside. Like you should have done 2 days ago
I’ve had 2 different professionals in the house to get the bird out. Both of them were unable to remove the glass. Does anyone have any ideas? Really don’t want this little fella to die in there.
It’s a fireplace you said? How would you light it? There’s no way to get the bird out?
Darcy said:
It’s a fireplace you said? How would you light it? There’s no way to get the bird out?
It’s a gas fireplace that’s turned on with a remote. No way to get inside without some tools. I have another professional scheduled to come over later this evening to try to get the little fella out. I’ll keep you updated
Ah, ok. Yes, please do keep me updated. Hopefully this poor baby can get out. I’m used to the older fireplaces you light manually with firewood
Darcy said:
Ah, ok. Yes, please do keep me updated. Hopefully this poor baby can get out. I’m used to the older fireplaces you light manually with firewood
So unfortunately he has passed away. I got back from work and he was lying face down and not moving. The 3rd professional I got was able to take him out but sadly it was too late. We buried him in the garden under a tree that a lot of birds usually sit and we found a small hole in the chimney he must have flown through and patched it up so nothing like that can happen again.
Aw, that’s sad. That’s good that you fixed that part of the chimney
Tell me air can still circulate though? Gas fireplaces are still burning fuel
He’ll probably die in there if you can’t get him out. He won’t be able to fly straight up the small chimney those fireplaces have. I would do my best to get him out for his sake and yours because you will have a dead bird in there. Dying of starvation and thirst is not a great way to go for him
Also put a screen over the top of your chimney to prevent this from happening again
He will not get out on his own. You need to get him out. Get a blanket or pillow case and catch him and remove him. He will die otherwise, they are unable to fly the path needed to escape or it would’ve been out at most hours after getting in
So are you going to do anything to get it out?
If it did try to peck you when you catch it, it’s not big enough to hurt you
Your cat knows
Why would you leave it there for two days?
I hope you get him out by this time poor lil thing update us please
Zenith said:
I hope you get him out by this time poor lil thing update us please
Hello. I’ve given an update on another comment if you’d like to take a look.
Turn your fireplace into an aviary adding perches and feeding bowls it will look cool
LisaMoore said:
Turn your fireplace into an aviary adding perches and feeding bowls it will look cool
Worst advice ever.