Can a parent block me from field trips with my child?

I feel like I’ve been unofficially banned from going on field trips with my daughter because another parent complained about me. We’ve had some disagreements before, and she’s influential in the school since she’s a lawyer. Now, even though I’m one of the first to sign up as a chaperone, I keep getting turned down, but she’s always allowed to go. Is this even fair?

That’s so unfair! Have you tried asking the school why you aren’t chosen?

Mai said:
That’s so unfair! Have you tried asking the school why you aren’t chosen?

Yeah, they just say they already had enough volunteers, but I know I was one of the first to offer.

Mai said:
That’s so unfair! Have you tried asking the school why you aren’t chosen?

Sounds like they’re just giving you a vague answer. Maybe try a more direct approach?

Could it be a policy thing? Schools sometimes have random ways they pick chaperones.

Lennon said:
Could it be a policy thing? Schools sometimes have random ways they pick chaperones.

Possibly, but this only started happening after this parent got involved. Before, I never had an issue volunteering.

Lennon said:
Could it be a policy thing? Schools sometimes have random ways they pick chaperones.

If it’s only since she got involved, that’s definitely fishy.

Maybe take it to the school board? It doesn’t seem right if someone’s using their influence to keep you out.

Vann said:
Maybe take it to the school board? It doesn’t seem right if someone’s using their influence to keep you out.

I’m thinking about it. I just don’t want it to turn into a big drama unless it’s necessary.

Vann said:
Maybe take it to the school board? It doesn’t seem right if someone’s using their influence to keep you out.

Totally get that. Maybe try framing it as wanting more involvement in your daughter’s education?

Have you straight-up asked why you aren’t being picked? Sometimes a direct question can lead to an honest answer.

Addison said:
Have you straight-up asked why you aren’t being picked? Sometimes a direct question can lead to an honest answer.

I did, but they keep saying it’s a scheduling thing. Just feels like there’s more to it.

Addison said:
Have you straight-up asked why you aren’t being picked? Sometimes a direct question can lead to an honest answer.

Sounds like they’re trying to avoid giving a real answer. Maybe ask in a parent meeting?

If she’s that influential, the school might just be trying to keep things smooth. Doesn’t make it right, though.

Valen said:
If she’s that influential, the school might just be trying to keep things smooth. Doesn’t make it right, though.

Exactly, it feels like they’re just letting her have control over who’s involved.

Valen said:
If she’s that influential, the school might just be trying to keep things smooth. Doesn’t make it right, though.

Ugh, so frustrating. Hope you’re able to work it out!