I found this part in the parking lot while changing my oil, and I have no clue what it is. It’s around 2 inches across and feels pretty heavy for its size. Anyone know what this is? Any ideas would be really appreciated!
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CV cage.
Its part of a CV axle. Specifically the cage that keeps the balls in place.
Adi said:
Its part of a CV axle. Specifically the cage that keeps the balls in place.
I hate it when you lose the ball cage
Adi said:
Its part of a CV axle. Specifically the cage that keeps the balls in place.
I hate it when you lose the ball cage
Yea cuz wheres the ball?
Adi said:
Its part of a CV axle. Specifically the cage that keeps the balls in place.
Ruh roh… I sincerely hope that isn’t mine, I’ll have to check when I get back in tomorrow…
Adi said:
Its part of a CV axle. Specifically the cage that keeps the balls in place.
Ruh roh… I sincerely hope that isn’t mine, I’ll have to check when I get back in tomorrow…
You would know immediately if it was yours. Your car wouldn’t go.
Well, I guess I buried the lede - my car won’t go.
I thought it was engine issues but I could very well be this. Car is currently on stands in the garage at work
Aza said:
Well, I guess I buried the lede - my car won’t go.
I thought it was engine issues but I could very well be this. Car is currently on stands in the garage at work
What a twist! Haha When you put it in gear and try to go do you hear fast clicking?
It felt and sounded like a misfire, which is why I went straight for plugs, coils, and an oil change. But it might just be more hosed than I thought.
Aza said:
It felt and sounded like a misfire, which is why I went straight for plugs, coils, and an oil change. But it might just be more hosed than I thought.
Is it moving at all? If not then you might have a separated CV shaft. If it drives fine and just runs poorly then it’s a crazy coincidence.
It was running/driving rough on the way to work Sunday, and then as I pulled into the lot it shuddered hard and I coasted into a spot.
Today I cranked it on and limped it to the garage where it still is. Thank y’all for the help, I was hoping to give this car to my younger cousin I’m not sure if I should now lol
Once you get the CV axle replaced (and the other side if you can afford it) then it will be fine. It’s a common thing with front wheel drive cars and definitely doesn’t indicate a ‘bad car’ by any means.
Don’t do the other side until or fails. Replacement part quality is often worse than original, and reman CV shafts really suck.
That’s a relief, I definitely don’t want to give him something worse than he’s got
Aza said:
It felt and sounded like a misfire, which is why I went straight for plugs, coils, and an oil change. But it might just be more hosed than I thought.
Always inspect the CV boots when doing an oil change to make sure they aren’t cracking or have already been compromised. The quick lube places won’t say anything because they don’t do that work so they can’t make any money off it.
Adi said:
Its part of a CV axle. Specifically the cage that keeps the balls in place.
could be a cv drive shaft too
Bearing cage probably from a cv axle.
Whoever lost that part definitely knows it by now.