Looks awesome! How much did you spend on making it?
Uma said:
Looks awesome! How much did you spend on making it?
I actually made it myself from scratch.
Uma said:
Looks awesome! How much did you spend on making it?
I actually made it myself from scratch.
Did you need to buy a lot of stamps? Were they expensive or maybe expired ones?
Good question! The art is made from old Great Britain definitive stamps and measures 5x7 inches (a bit smaller than A5). The frame was about £1, the canvas around 50p, and the light blue paper was roughly 5p. The stamps, which are used/franked, cost me about 2p each when bought in bulk on eBay. I did have to discard a few due to poor quality. Hope that clears it up!
Wow, thanks for the detailed breakdown. That’s such an interesting way to make art. Love it!
Uma said:
Wow, thanks for the detailed breakdown. That’s such an interesting way to make art. Love it!
Glad you like it! I share more of my stamp art on Instagram. If you’re interested, take a look at my profile at SMEB123. It’s a fun hobby, and not too time-consuming either.
I checked out your page! Your pieces are fantastic. Would love to see some with more intricate designs, maybe something like antlers or tentacles. Keep it up, you’re doing great!