I have Hankook Ventus V12 tires on my Subaru BRZ. Recently, I’ve noticed that the car understeers more than usual, and I’ve just installed brand new tires on the back (these are the front tires). Could this be the cause of the issues with steering and the humming sounds?
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If you’re hearing humming and the steering feels loose, it’s likely a bad wheel bearing. Jack up the wheel and grab it from the left and right side. If it clunks when you shake it, it could be a wheel bearing or tie rods/links. If the wheel moves when you grab the top and bottom, then it’s probably a wheel bearing. You can also try driving without much braking, then when you stop, touch the brake disk. If it’s really hot, that points to a bearing issue
Cedar said:
(If everything feels tight, you might just need an alignment. That wear could be from too much positive camber.)
I got an alignment done a month ago.
Did the problem show up after the alignment? Maybe they missed something or accidentally damaged something. It’s unlikely your tire is causing the sounds, but an alignment problem could make those issues worse.
Try turning while the car is stopped. If you hear something, your steering pump could be the issue.