So I was thinking… do you all believe people deserve second chances? Or are some things unforgivable? Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts on it.
Yeah, we’re all human and make mistakes. As long as there’s no cheating or abuse involved, I think it’s good to learn from mistakes.
Depends on what happened. The whole ‘everyone deserves a second chance’ thing isn’t always true. Like, forgetting a birthday isn’t the same as stealing from someone. And in relationships, missing a bill isn’t like cheating. The reason matters a lot.
I do, but only if they apologize and try to make up for it. I won’t forgive someone until they own up to what they did.
Always. We all mess up at some point.
I think it’s good, especially when the person actually wants a second chance for themselves, not just because you think they should get one.
I hold grudges forever.
Nico said:
I hold grudges forever.
Haha, guess you didn’t get many second chances yourself?
Ain’t got time for it.
Yep! Gotten plenty of unclaimed prizes that way in competitions.
Yup, nobody’s perfect.
Usually depends on who it is and what they did.
Yeah, we’re all human and mess up sometimes.
Not really. Acting better now doesn’t erase the past.
When it comes to cheating… no way. You’re either loyal, or you’re not.
I do, but you can’t just act like nothing happened. There might still be issues to work out, and the person has to actually want to make things better.
Yeah, life’s too short not to. Unless we’re talking about someone eating my favorite snacks… that’s serious!
Depends on what it’s for. People can change, but honestly, a lot of folks don’t. Some people stay the same. So it’s kind of a gamble.
For most things, yeah. Everyone should get a chance to redeem themselves.
Sure, as long as it’s been enough time, and they actually seem different. But just giving them a pass right after they’ve done something bad doesn’t make sense. Trust takes time to build back.