My son ended up with a fractured wrist because of another kid at school who’s been bothering him a lot. I already told the school, but it seems like nothing’s changing. Any advice on what to do?
Wow, that sounds frustrating. Have you tried reaching out to the other kid’s parents directly?
Rey said:
Wow, that sounds frustrating. Have you tried reaching out to the other kid’s parents directly?
Not yet… I don’t know them, and the school wants me to go through the teacher. It’s been hard figuring out how to handle it.
Rey said:
Wow, that sounds frustrating. Have you tried reaching out to the other kid’s parents directly?
I get that, dealing with schools can be so tricky. Maybe ask the teacher to pass along a note?
Did the school offer to keep an eye on the kids more closely? They really should if they know there’s a problem.
Corey said:
Did the school offer to keep an eye on the kids more closely? They really should if they know there’s a problem.
All they suggested was moving my son to another class, but we don’t think that’s fair. He’s not the one causing trouble.
Corey said:
Did the school offer to keep an eye on the kids more closely? They really should if they know there’s a problem.
That doesn’t sound right at all. They should be focused on the kid who’s starting this.
Maybe see if the school can provide some counseling support? Having his wrist broken must be really upsetting for him.
Oak said:
Maybe see if the school can provide some counseling support? Having his wrist broken must be really upsetting for him.
Yeah, hadn’t thought of that! I’ll bring it up when they follow up with me after break.
Oak said:
Maybe see if the school can provide some counseling support? Having his wrist broken must be really upsetting for him.
Good idea. Schools sometimes have support resources you wouldn’t even know about unless you ask.
Are you considering legal options? Sometimes parents look into having the other parents cover medical costs.
Alexander said:
Are you considering legal options? Sometimes parents look into having the other parents cover medical costs.
I’m not sure yet. I’ve thought about it but don’t know where to start. Just trying to get some advice here.
Alexander said:
Are you considering legal options? Sometimes parents look into having the other parents cover medical costs.
Maybe small claims court could be an option if it’s just for medical expenses?
If the school isn’t stepping up, you could consider contacting the school district or CPS. Sometimes that’s what it takes for them to act.
Dane said:
If the school isn’t stepping up, you could consider contacting the school district or CPS. Sometimes that’s what it takes for them to act.
Didn’t realize CPS could even get involved. I don’t know if that’s necessary, though…
Dane said:
If the school isn’t stepping up, you could consider contacting the school district or CPS. Sometimes that’s what it takes for them to act.
Yeah, CPS might get involved if there’s a pattern of aggression. They could investigate if it’s something coming from issues at home.