How can this photo look better?

I’m curious about any ideas to make this photo stand out more. What do you all think?


Exactly what I was thinking, a couple of cars drifting around the circle would be cool

Pippin said:
Exactly what I was thinking, a couple of cars drifting around the circle would be cool

Did you actually come here for that?

Agree, drifting cars would add something different :smile:

What exactly is the photo about? Is the main focus supposed to be the roundabout? Or is it the tree?

It needs a clear subject.

Angles, composition, lighting, and editing all matter. The angle here feels awkward—not fully top-down, and too steep to add much context. A shallower angle might help show off the house behind the tree, if that’s part of the focus. If the tree in the center is your subject, you might want to try shifting it off-center for better composition. Also, shooting during golden hour would warm up the colors. The angle and lighting can make a huge difference!

A direct top-down angle would look cool and maybe frame it so the house isn’t in the shot.

Just something more interesting to look at.

Not to sound harsh, but it kind of looks like a random screen grab from Google Earth. There’s not much going on here, plus the framing and lack of editing make it feel flat.

Golden hour lighting might be worth a try

Avoid taking photos like this on cloudy days if you can. The lack of shadows just makes it look flat. I’d go with a top-down shot and maybe include a bit more of the road to create an interesting shape.

A good photo tells a story, and if there’s no story, it doesn’t hold interest. What story are you trying to tell here? It’s hard to tell with so much going on in the frame. Maybe look into photo composition tips—there are tons of videos out there to get started.

Some hot girls might help

Ren said:
Some hot girls might help

Or hot girls with… something a bit wild maybe

Arlen said:

Ren said:
Some hot girls might help

Or hot girls with… something a bit wild maybe

I’ll bring the first aid kit just in case

Finnian said:

Arlen said:
Ren said:
Some hot girls might help

Or hot girls with… something a bit wild maybe

I’ll bring the first aid kit just in case

…and snacks, can’t forget those with all this action

Make it spin haha but actually, it looks fine. The colors are decent, but someone’s probably gonna say it needs some color grading

What do you want to improve in the photo?