How do I get this hose off my 97 Alfa Romeo Spider… it’s stuck

I’ve been pulling on it with pliers, but I’m worried it’s going to break if I pull any harder. Any advice?

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It might be heat-formed. Try using some heat to soften it up, then pull it off. If you have extra hose length, you can cut it back to a fresh section before putting it back on.

Pierce said:
It might be heat-formed. Try using some heat to soften it up, then pull it off. If you have extra hose length, you can cut it back to a fresh section before putting it back on.

I tried the heat method on a similar fitting on my Ford and couldn’t get it off. Hope it works better for you!

It’s probably hardened with age. Use a heat gun to soften it, and if you have hose pliers, those work best. If you’re using regular pliers, squeeze the hose gently and rotate it to loosen it before pulling it off. Don’t just yank; you’ll damage it.

Thank you, I finally got it!

You can’t just yank it off without preparation… use some heat and try again.

Try a small pick tool to loosen it, and then add some gentle heat.

It looks like a slip-fit connection. Clean the area, apply heat, maybe some lubricant, and gently wiggle it loose. You might need to go through a couple of heat cycles to make it easier.

Just cut it off.

Spray it with WD-40, wipe it dry, and try pushing the black part in while pulling the blue part out. A little twist might help too.

You’ll probably have to cut it off. I’ve done hundreds of these, and sometimes there’s no other way.