I want to fly near an airforce base. How do I apply to fly there?
Not today fed
Tavis said:
Not today fed
If it’s military, then probably not allowed
A bunch of nonsense here, just file a request like any other part 107 drone pilot. They’ll either approve or deny your request. If it’s not commercial work they contracted, they’ll probably deny it.
Step 1: Join the airforce.
Just shout ‘full send’ and fly as close as you can to the cockpit so the pilot knows you’re friendly. They also like it if you check their engines and let them know if anything is wrong. Once you land, dial 911, let them know what you did, and send the footage so they can check it out.
I’d ask the FAA.
Ash said:
I’d ask the FAA.
And then the airbase
Are you contracted by this facility to film?
Use the phone. Start making calls. Ask around to find out who to talk to at the base. You might get a lot of no’s, but you might be surprised how often people say yes.
It depends. If you have a 107 and are working for a client, you file with faadronezone, and you might have already spoken to ATC or flight operations at the airfield. I’ve flown near a federal airfield, less than 500 ft from the runway, but it was coordinated with ATC, Airfield ops, Security, National Guard, NASA, and the construction company. So, if you’re flying for business, it’s not too difficult, but there are many steps to follow. You’ll need an airband radio to monitor ATC, anti-collision lights, visual observer, and notifications to relevant parties before and after the flight. If it’s a hobby flight, you might need LAANC, and even then, you might still need to contact ATC. If you’re closer than LAANC allows, it’s a faadronezone request, and it will likely only be approved if you have a good reason. Don’t just go for it, follow the process, and have a safe flight. DM me if you need help with a 107 flight approval.
Well, it would help knowing where you’re trying to fly. The rules and permissions vary a lot by country.
If you want to fly in a restricted zone, you’ll need to go through FAA’s DroneZone and have a really good reason. If it’s for legitimate business, you might get access, but if not, you probably won’t. For R-#### zones, you’ll find the contact number of the controlling agency so you can talk to them and work through DroneZone.
I worked next to a Boeing facility and flew every day during lunch. I just called the tower.
Contact your local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO).
Good luck, you’ll need it
I’d probably just not do it. At all.
With restrictions.
Your TRUST test will tell you everything you need to know about airspace restrictions and permissions. Spoiler: restricted airspace probably won’t happen.