I’m curious how many times people shower weekly. It seems everyone has different routines, and I’d like to know what yours is!
Depends on the weather, my activity level, and sometimes my mood.
Seven times a week for me.
Once or twice each week.
Usually twice a day. I work out at lunch, so I shower at work. Then again at night before bed because I can’t stand getting into bed dirty. Living somewhere hot and humid makes it necessary.
Usually four times a week.
14 times a week, two times a day!
Between 10 and 14 times, depending on the week.
Lennon said:
Between 10 and 14 times, depending on the week.
Isn’t that a bit too much?
Lennon said:
Between 10 and 14 times, depending on the week.
Isn’t that a bit too much?
Not if you’re hitting the gym every day.
Every day before I go to bed.
In summer, every day or sometimes twice a day. In cooler weather, around three to four times weekly.
Almost daily, occasionally more often but rarely less.
Between 6 and 8 times, depending on weather and my mood.
Around 5 to 7 times, depending on my social plans.
Typically 3 or 4 times a week, but more in summer when I feel dirty faster.
Every day, but I have a rotation.
Day one: rinse with water only, no soap.
Day two: wash face, armpits, and other areas with soap.
Day three: scrub all over with gloves and wash hair with 2-in-1 shampoo.
At least four times. Always one after work.
Usually 5 to 7 times depending on the season and what I’m up to.