I don’t know how to fix the charging screen

I am 60 years old and my son recently taught me how to use Reddit so I’m wondering if something bad is happening to my computer right now. It has a white battery on the screen with a black background.

Sir, this means your computer, possibly a laptop, is turned off and is being charged. There should be a button that you can press so your laptop turns on and you can use it. If it’s not a laptop, let me know.

Thank you, young man! I fixed it with this.

I love this thread - I normally get snippy at people for providing minimal details, but I’m thrilled to see people branching out of their comfort zone to ask for help.

Your computer may be showing a screen that says it needs to be charged or has a low battery. For laptops, plug them in to charge and wait a few minutes to see if they turn on. You might need to check the charger or battery if it stays on this screen.

I’m glad that you got your issue sorted! For future reference, depending on the type of computer that you have, you can see the battery icon either in the top right (MacOS) or bottom right (Windows). Once you notice the battery getting emptier over time, then it’s time to charge it up! Hope that helps!