If every single animal possessed the same intelligence like we do, who would take over the world?

In a hypocritical scenario where we released the bacteria gasses in the air that scales any species of animal (mammals, reptiles, invertebrates and vertebrates) their higher level of intelligence

Which species would be the most intellectually smart?


Hear me out: mosquitos. They’re already the most deadly animal to humans because of all the diseases they carry. Imagine them being able to use tools, bypass our usual safety measures, and basically coordinate biological warfare. I’m onto you little bastards.

But they’re so teeny, how would they even be able to create any technology?

Craige said:
But they’re so teeny, how would they even be able to create any technology?

They really don’t need any. They have disease and efficiency on their side.

Planet of the apes? Seems to be the one I would say is the most possible.

DeBruinaKevin said:
Planet of the apes? Seems to be the one I would say is the most possible.

Genuinely, especially chimps, they’re just much stronger, a little dumber humans, without the dumber, they’re just stronger.

Like imagine a gorilla with the same intelligence as us. Now that would be scary.

They don’t have the manual dexterity and opposable thumbs required to be effective tool users. Raw strength only goes so far. What makes humans unique isn’t just our intelligence. It’s our hands.

Hypothetical maybe?

Well, we have a massive head start. And guns.

I figure Ants, or possibly their flying Hymenopteran relatives. Working together seamlessly, they could take over the world but quickly. Now which of those species will win? That’s a good question. We need to run this simulation, and then take their weapon and tech ideas as our own.

You already have the answer…BACTERIA!

Why are you assuming that sapiens are the most intelligent animals?

luna said:
Why are you assuming that sapiens are the most intelligent animals?

“There are other forms of intelligence on Earth, Doctor. Only human arrogance would assume the message must be meant for man.”

Spock to McCoy, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

My favorite of the Star Trek movies.

Rey said:
My favorite of the Star Trek movies.

Absolutely! So many great scenes and lines in that movie.

We know dogs and pigs would be fascists because of how they operate in nature (dogs) and George Orwell from Animal Farm… So I would eliminate them. Elephants maybe?

Same intelligence, hmmm. Elephants.


Still us. We’ve got the hands to build machines and write, and the physiology to speak.

While some whales could compete with us in terms of spoken language, none could even come close to us in terms of writing and engineering. Elephants would be a distant second, and everything else far behind.

I suppose ants could stand a small chance because of their numbers. With human-level organization, they would pose a challenge.