Looks like a leaked executive order might shut down the Department of Education and completely end federal student aid. No matter how much they push for people to keep having kids, the skilled workforce is about to take a major hit. If you rely on contractors, financial advisors, or accountants, this could impact your business too. College tuition won’t be getting any cheaper, so if your plan was to have your kids take over your business after getting a degree, that’s about to get a lot harder.
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College has been on a downward spiral for decades… what’s new?
Cassidy said:
College has been on a downward spiral for decades… what’s new?
Have you looked at job listings for entry-level positions? They still want degrees. This isn’t just about education, it’s about social mobility too.
Can we not turn this place into a political battleground? Nobody’s changing their mind from an internet argument.
Adi said:
Can we not turn this place into a political battleground? Nobody’s changing their mind from an internet argument.
This isn’t just politics. It directly affects small businesses and self-employed people. If education funding gets cut, skilled workers become harder to find. That matters to business owners.