Is Mayans worth watching

I love SOA and I am on my fourth time watching it, and I don’t want it to end. Is Mayans any good? Will I be disappointed expecting it to be like SOA

It starts off really slow. Gets better in season 2 and really picks up after that. In my opinion, it can be as good as SOA at times. But then the final season comes and it just falls apart. I think it could have been something special if they had planned it better and dropped all the cartel drama.

I totally agree about the cartel issue.

I also think I heard someone say the final season felt rushed because they didn’t know until last minute that it was ending. Honestly though, it felt like the show was already just going in circles and probably wouldn’t have improved much even with more time.

That sounds right because the final season felt rushed. It seemed like they didn’t know what they were rushing toward. They brought back the cartel plot just for it to go nowhere. Everything with Pops felt pointless too. So did Miguel’s story. It’s a shame because the show had potential, especially in the seasons before the final one; the cast was amazing.

The cartel stuff was where things really went wrong in this show. The first season had way too much cartel drama. The second season was good, but I ended up liking the last two seasons the most. The ending was pretty wild if you think about it. It was rushed, but I still thought it was good.

SPOILERS* (respect for the person who hasn’t watched it yet)

I still can’t remember what happened with the Adelita plot that led to her stabbing😢. I’m sure it was explained, but I lost interest in that storyline.

As for Miguel, it was like, okay, they’re brothers … and then Miguel is dead, which wraps up the Galindo cartel. :cry: I was disappointed that Romeo’s involvement from SOA didn’t come back around.

The cartel felt like how the CW would portray it. Miguel never really felt like the head of a cartel to me. The whole Miguel and Pops thing seemed like too much of a coincidence. The show would have been better without the cartel. Adelita’s storyline was also a big mess. Her character, like most cartel-related characters, just felt out of place in a show about bikers.

Yeah that part was frustrating. Then they tried mixing it by having Adelita have a baby with Angel. It still didn’t work well. He should have stayed with the girl who had the miscarriage; that felt more like a real relationship. I get that the cartel was supplying their drugs, but the first season should have focused more on the club so the audience could connect with the actual club members. I barely knew all the names by the end of season 1, which is an issue. In the first few episodes of SOA, they did a school fundraiser, and it was a great episode. You really got to learn everyone’s role in the club from that. Mayans never had that.

Yes and no. There are some cool callbacks to SOA. But overall, the cast, characters, and writing, especially after season 2, are pretty weak, if not flat out bad. I read that some storylines felt like repeats from Sons while also being disrespectful to the original show itself. I don’t completely agree, but I see the point. Overall, Emilio Rivera as Alvarez gets a pretty good and strangely peaceful ending to his story, and Ray McKinnon turning Lincoln Potter into a crafty puppet master is one of the best parts. I recommend watching it for a new view of another club in a post Jax Teller world. Just don’t expect Sons 2.0 or a sacred respect for the original show, or you might enjoy it more.

Yeah you can really feel Kurt Sutter’s absence after season 2 of Mayans (he was let go after season 2).

If you don’t expect Mayans to be on the same level, then you should totally watch it. I started watching it when I had run out of shows to see. I didn’t have high expectations and ended up really enjoying it.

It is definitely not at the same level as SOA, and I don’t think the characters are as compelling. But it has some good moments for sure. I believe anyone watching it with the mindset of it being just another show in the same universe instead of expecting it to be on the same level will find it worth the watch.

Also, Emily Tosta is really great.

It’s kind of similar, just from another club’s perspective.

The last season was a bit of a letdown, but that’s because they knew it was the last season. They had to wrap things up quickly, which felt rushed.

Seasons 1 and 2 are pretty slow and have the usual Sutter fluff from the later seasons of Sons. There are lots of Easter eggs and references to SOA if that interests you. Season 2 picks up a bit, but the show really shines in Seasons 3 and 4 when Elgin takes charge. It builds its own identity and becomes an exciting ride. Many people don’t like Season 5, but I still really enjoy it. Mayans is definitely worth the watch.

Honestly, you said exactly what I was thinking. I absolutely loved seasons 3 and 4. The ending of season 5 was crazy; I didn’t see that coming.

Dakota said:
Honestly, you said exactly what I was thinking. I absolutely loved seasons 3 and 4. The ending of season 5 was crazy; I didn’t see that coming.

Yeah, the finale was intense and I saw very little of it coming. Overall, it was a pretty good show.

Yeah a lot of people hated it, but honestly I didn’t see it coming either, and I felt like that was a really good ending after I got over the shock. But I kind of hated how they handled Ignacio Cortana.

Same! He was such a badass. I actually liked the finale better than SOA’s to be honest.

It doesn’t have the same feel as SOA. Lots of people say it goes downhill after the second season because Kurt Sutter left and Disney bought FX. I disagree. I think it stays great throughout. There are almost no loose ends and a unique storyline. The vibe is very different from SOA. I would definitely say it’s worth trying out.

It’s not the best, but if you want something like SOA or a motorcycle fix, give it a shot.
