My son got a 10-day suspension and now they’re talking expulsion. He’s accused of assaulting a staff member, but it was after school, across the street, and the person didn’t identify himself. My son thought he was just a random person with a phone in his face, so he knocked it away and kept walking. We just got notified there’s an expulsion hearing coming up. Any suggestions on how to prepare?
Wow, that’s a lot to deal with. Do you have any witnesses who could back up his side?
Winter said:
Wow, that’s a lot to deal with. Do you have any witnesses who could back up his side?
Working on it. There were people around, so hopefully someone saw it happen.
Winter said:
Wow, that’s a lot to deal with. Do you have any witnesses who could back up his side?
If you can get witness statements, it’ll make a big difference.
Check the school’s code of conduct to see if they can even enforce rules for things that happen off school grounds.
Oswin said:
Check the school’s code of conduct to see if they can even enforce rules for things that happen off school grounds.
Good call. I’ll go through their policies and see if anything stands out.
Oswin said:
Check the school’s code of conduct to see if they can even enforce rules for things that happen off school grounds.
Some schools stretch their authority outside school property. Might be worth challenging if they’re overreaching.
So the guy didn’t even tell your son he was staff? That seems like a big deal.
Dana said:
So the guy didn’t even tell your son he was staff? That seems like a big deal.
Exactly. He didn’t say anything or show ID. My son just thought it was some random person.
Dana said:
So the guy didn’t even tell your son he was staff? That seems like a big deal.
Definitely bring that up at the hearing. They need to understand why your son reacted the way he did.
If you can, write a statement outlining your son’s side of the story to present at the hearing. It’ll help you stay organized.
Gray said:
If you can, write a statement outlining your son’s side of the story to present at the hearing. It’ll help you stay organized.
That’s a good idea. We’ll put together something that explains his perspective.
Maybe talk to an education lawyer if you can. Even just a consultation might be useful before the hearing.
Amari said:
Maybe talk to an education lawyer if you can. Even just a consultation might be useful before the hearing.
Thinking about it, but we’re weighing the costs. Trying to do as much prep on our own as we can for now.