Nvidia latest driver (572.16) black screen

Strange bug after updating to the latest drivers via Nvidia App. After Windows turns off my screen, it doesn’t wake up again. Well it does but it’s full black. I can only hard shut down my PC. And sometimes I get a black screen when Windows starts. I tried to reinstall via Nvidia App but got a black screen during install. I downloaded the old drivers from Nvidia, installed that and it works again.

I hang around Tech Support from time to time. It sure looks like this driver is less than optimal, black screens included, from what I’ve been seeing. Roll back or wait, I’m afraid.

Same issue on my end, good to know that this isn’t my monitor. No fix yet, I guess rollbacking to older version and then wait for patch?

I guess I just updated Windows. This was really confusing. I reported it to Nvidia.

I’ve been having this issue for weeks. What kind of monitor and video card do you have?

Within the past 12 months I’ve had 2 issues with updates. I’m glad you posted this. Looks like I’ll skip this update and wait for next month. I don’t think I’ve encountered this many issues with Nvidia drivers in a LONG time.