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You can fix this if you know how to repair wiring. After repairing it, try using peppermint oil around the area. It keeps rodents away.
Clarke said:
You can fix this if you know how to repair wiring. After repairing it, try using peppermint oil around the area. It keeps rodents away.
Use solder and heat shrink, don’t go with spade or crimp connectors.
For anyone wondering why:
Spade and crimp connectors can mess with voltage, proper soldering keeps that in check.
Adley said:
For anyone wondering why:
Spade and crimp connectors can mess with voltage, proper soldering keeps that in check.
I wouldn’t have used them anyway, but thanks for explaining why they’re bad.
I have everything needed already, so I’ll give it a try!
Clarke said:
You can fix this if you know how to repair wiring. After repairing it, try using peppermint oil around the area. It keeps rodents away.
I’ve got some experience soldering, so I’ll try that.
Make sure you use heat shrink to ensure the repair is weatherproof.
I also mix 15 to 20 drops of peppermint oil in a spray bottle with water and spray it on the affected area. This should keep the rodents out.
Where are you located? I had a pack rat mess up my 02 sensors on my BMW when I lived in the mountains.
Chen said:
Where are you located? I had a pack rat mess up my 02 sensors on my BMW when I lived in the mountains.
I’m in the DFW area in Texas. I think it was probably squirrels since they’re everywhere here and I see them under cars a lot.
Oh man, those pests. I’m in the mountains of San Diego, and pack rats totally ruin cars here too. They build nests right on top of the engine and chew through everything.
Ugh, I hate rodents too!
Doesn’t really look chewed. What do you think happened?
Landry said:
Doesn’t really look chewed. What do you think happened?
I’m not sure. I thought it might have been squirrels, but it doesn’t have the obvious chew marks.