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Nico said:
Too close to the edge?
Can you? Sure. Should you? Absolutely not.
I’d plug it for now. If it leaks, you’ll need a new tire anyway.
It looks like a 10-ply, so it should be strong enough.
This is one of the first questionable ones I’m leaning towards no. It’s about half an inch too close to the edge to feel safe personally.
Plug it. I’ve done many plugs like this that have lasted for a long time. Just make sure you have a spare tire with you, and don’t drive too fast or overload it, especially if you’re driving a truck.
If it were me, I’d plug it and not worry about it again. (Just my opinion)
It’s a work truck that tows a lot. Looks like I’m getting a new tire.
Leith said:
It’s a work truck that tows a lot. Looks like I’m getting a new tire.
If it were me, and the tires still had plenty of life, I’d plug it. Save money for new tires later. As long as you know how to plug it, it should be fine.