Thinking of Taking a Job with a 2-Hour Commute… Is It Worth It?

Hey everyone, I’m currently working in Mississauga, Ontario, with a quick 15-minute drive to work. I was recently offered a job in Scarborough that would add about two hours of commuting to my day.

Here’s the breakdown:

Current Job

  • Salary: $65,000
  • Vacation: 4 weeks
  • Work perk: Half-day Fridays
  • Commute: 15 minutes

New Job

  • Salary: $75,000
  • Vacation: 3 weeks
  • Standard 9-5 with a 2-hour commute

Doing some rough math, after expenses, I’d bring in about $400 extra a month if I take the new role. But I’d lose those half-day Fridays and add two hours of driving each day. Part of me thinks it’s not worth it, but I’m curious to hear other perspectives.

EDIT: Thanks for all the advice! I was leaning towards a ‘no,’ and your comments have helped confirm that for me.

Doesn’t sound worth it at all. After taxes, that extra $10k isn’t as much as it seems, and you’d be losing time and money with the longer commute.

Aza said:
Doesn’t sound worth it at all. After taxes, that extra $10k isn’t as much as it seems, and you’d be losing time and money with the longer commute.

Even $100k wouldn’t make me do a 2-hour commute… way too much time lost.

Aza said:
Doesn’t sound worth it at all. After taxes, that extra $10k isn’t as much as it seems, and you’d be losing time and money with the longer commute.

Solid breakdown.

Aza said:
Doesn’t sound worth it at all. After taxes, that extra $10k isn’t as much as it seems, and you’d be losing time and money with the longer commute.

Totally agree. Plus, who knows if gas prices go up or traffic gets worse. Just doesn’t seem like a good choice.

Aza said:
Doesn’t sound worth it at all. After taxes, that extra $10k isn’t as much as it seems, and you’d be losing time and money with the longer commute.

It’s wild how many people don’t think through these decisions fully.

Sometimes people just need a reality check, I guess.

Glad we have YOU to set them straight! :laughing:

True, but some people also see it as an opportunity for growth. It’s all about priorities.

Absolutely not worth it.

Kyrie said:
Absolutely not worth it.

Yeah, not worth it by any stretch.

Storm said:

Kyrie said:
Absolutely not worth it.

Yeah, not worth it by any stretch.

Agreed, not worth it by miles!

Kyrie said:
Absolutely not worth it.

I mean, if it were a lot more money, I’d get it. But 10k? Nope, that commute will get old fast.

No way. For only 10k and less vacation? Commuting that long every day sounds awful, especially in winter.

Definitely wouldn’t. I commute myself, and let me tell you, more driving just means more potential car trouble and accidents. Not to mention winter weather makes it worse. Just doesn’t seem worth it for a bit of extra cash.

Totally feel you there. Just the thought of icy roads and road rage every day gives me chills.

Gentry said:
Totally feel you there. Just the thought of icy roads and road rage every day gives me chills.

Exactly! Thankfully, I can work from home sometimes now, so winter commutes are less of an issue. Still, it’s brutal.

One winter I spun out on the 401… so glad I didn’t flip my car! Never want to go through that again.

You’d really have to hate yourself to take that second job.

Driving from Mississauga to Scarborough? I don’t think so! Try that drive one morning, and I bet you’ll think twice.