Which animals are the oiliest?
Sphynx cats are notoriously greasy lol.
I would also assume water resistant animals like waterfowl and aquatic mammals who produce oil “shields” to stay dry.
Eli said:
Sphynx cats are notoriously greasy lol.
I would also assume water resistant animals like waterfowl and aquatic mammals who produce oil “shields” to stay dry.
Yea the two major ones I can’t think of are ducks and geese, but ducks are known for quacking first and geese are known for being aggressive (though in all honesty in my experience it varies greatly between individuals).
Hippos excrete sunscreen!
Sperm whales are named for their oily substance, aren’t they?
Rats and mice leave a greasy trail where they travel often. Billy the Exterminator taught me this!
Skunks are synonymous with being stinky. They produce an incredibly smelly oil they spray on attackers as a defense mechanism.
Mink are semi-aquatic and produce a smelly oil that waterproofs their fur. Mink are commercially farmed specifically for that oil.
Mink, back in the day mink oil was used to coat boots and coats to make them waterproof.
Blair said:
Mink, back in the day mink oil was used to coat boots and coats to make them waterproof.
Years and years ago when I was a competitive equestrian, I would use mink oil on all my leather tack and tall riding boots to waterproof and condition them. Nothing worked better!
I wouldn’t say it’s the most recognizable as they’re known for being fluffy and stupid mostly, but sheep are oily af and we use their lanolin in a lot of products.
Ezra said:
That’s more of a goo.
Maine Coon cats.
Ferrets and other members of the weasel family, skunks.