I’m constantly amazed by how clever animals can be! My dog recently figured out how to open the back gate all on his own (had to dog-proof it after that ). I’d love to hear stories of your pets doing something surprisingly smart!
One of our cats didn’t come back one night. We went outside calling them and our other cat kept meowing and eventually we followed him and realised he was trying to tell us where our other cat was. She had broken her leg and couldn’t walk. He literally saved her life by showing us where she was.
Rename him Lassie.
Oh my god, the way I gasped
Had a beagle once that learned how to unlatch the gate and get out. Current dog is a B&T coon hound. If we get separated on our morning walk, he has learned to go back to the truck and lie down and wait for me.
I think I have too many to name. Service dogs are amazing but sometimes use it against too lol. My first service dog stole my car. My second one locked me out of the house and called 911 for a big spider. Has learned over the years what money is and how to use it to get things at the store. Has learned how to count(only up to 12)/do simple math with her paws and will paw for yes, tap the ground for no when asking for what she wants. This is how she tells us exactly what she wants to eat for the day for example. Knows right from left. Knows to stop and look both ways before crossing the road. And there’s probably more, but like I said there’s too many to name. Service dogs are just amazing.
How did those first two stories happen?
Scout said:
How did those first two stories happen?
(samoyed) I ran inside my house to grab something. By the time I grabbed it, I saw the car take off. I thought someone had stolen my car with my dog inside. So, I dropped everything and ran after it. This was in the country so there was no traffic thank God. The car didn’t get very far. It hit a deep ditch and stopped as soon as it did, I ran over and was trying to get my baby girl out before whoever had stolen my car could do something. But then when I opened the car door, all I see is my dog in the driver’s seat with a goofy grin on her face.
(Rough Collie) I kept my keys on a lanyard thing that I kept on the door when I was home. I went outside one day and then realized that I didn’t have my keys. When I went back to the door, it was locked. My first reaction is oh no, I locked myself out. So I go to my window to check on my dog to make sure she’s okay and I see this girl sitting on my bed looking back at me with the keys around her neck. That’s how I realized she’d done it. Then, when my cousin came to unlock the door for me, we kept getting into this little match with her because she kept locking it back every time we unlocked it until we decided to just unlock it and push our way in and knock her over.
Oh, the 911 thing was a different story? That’s the one that I’m more curious about.
Scout said:
Oh, the 911 thing was a different story? That’s the one that I’m more curious about.
Oh okay, that was also the rough collie. Where I got my service dog trained they train them to dial 911 in the case that the handler is down. Well, literally the same week she learned it, I get police at my door saying they got a call from a cell phone at my location with no answer and came to investigate. I told them I didn’t make a call to 911 but that the number they have was definitely my number. Right at that moment, here comes my dog running up to the cops acting all kinds of distraught and trying to get them to follow her. We all follow her and she shows them the ‘distress’ in her defense that was a huge spider. Lol I turned to the cops and explained to them that she was a service dog in training and that she had just learned how to dial 911. They laughed and killed the spider for us. And went on their way. My phone now has a password.
Can’t you still call 911 when your phone is locked?
Scout said:
Can’t you still call 911 when your phone is locked?
Sure, but the dog wasn’t taught how to do it that way. She hasn’t figured that out…yet
Scout said:
Can’t you still call 911 when your phone is locked?
Sure, but the dog wasn’t taught how to do it that way. She hasn’t figured that out…yet
So she can’t call 911?
Nope, I just decided to have her not have that access. I used to have some kind of device thingy that was similar to life alert but called a family member instead of emergency number. And had it programmed to call my mom. And we had that in her little service dog baggy. But I broke it and never replaced it. I’m um not the most responsible disabled person out there. I let my epipen expire and uh just never renewed it my service dog has a hard job keeping me alive no wonder she acted out at first lbvs
How does a dog use a phone?
Scout said:
How does a dog use a phone?
This comment is empty, admin should fix
My dog was doing that thing where he put the ball under the couch to make me engage. He was crying and whining but I ignored him. So then he put his paw underneath and shrieked in pain and lifted his paw like it was hurt. I freaked out and shortly discovered it was a ploy, as once I recovered the ball, he stopped acting injured.
This morning I called the dog in and she just stood there looking at something round the corner of the house. Called her again and shook her kibble . She wagged her tail but still looking around the corner. Little later our old cat comes strolling around the corner. Our dog waits for him then follows the old guy in. Just waiting for the old cat, mind you they aren’t friends, just housemates. But this is a truly kind dog.
my cat and i played jenga and she won
Tan said:
my cat and i played jenga and she won
Pics or didn’t happen