Mice got into our truck yesterday by chewing a hole into this plastic piece under the glovebox. They also chewed some wires/tubes going into this cylinder in the passenger footwell. Can’t find any info on what it is online and how important it is. Also, if anyone has tips on rodent proofing a Ford E350, anything is appreciated.
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Looks like the blend door actuator for the HVAC system. These were vacuum-controlled back then. Try switching between hot and cold, and see if you can change the airflow from defrost/vent/floor.
Ashton said:
Looks like the blend door actuator for the HVAC system. These were vacuum-controlled back then. Try switching between hot and cold, and see if you can change the airflow from defrost/vent/floor.
I second this reply
It’s likely a vacuum control door for the HVAC system. This would control the fresh air/recirculate function, or the mode (floor, face, defrost).
Blaine said:
It’s likely a vacuum control door for the HVAC system. This would control the fresh air/recirculate function, or the mode (floor, face, defrost).
^this, it’s not the actuator
Mice got into our truck yesterday by chewing a hole into this plastic piece under the glovebox. They also chewed some wires/tubes going into this cylinder in the passenger footwell. Can’t find any info on what it is online and how important it is. Also, if anyone has tips on rodent proofing a Ford E350, anything is appreciated.
If you DM me the last 8 of your VIN, I can give you the part number. I work in the parts department at a Ford dealership in Montana.
I can’t really see the damage in this photo. Maybe I see shadow when it’s really the bite marks? More angles and maybe circles and arrows would help.
Does the air from the heater/AC smell terrible? I don’t know from Ford E-350, but a lot of cabin air filters live near the glove box, and that’s a popular entry point for the rodent guests.
Blend door, the blend door actuator is the white plastic piece with an electrical connector.
Lots of close answers here, but I don’t see the right one. That is your inlet air door actuator. It controls fresh air vs recirculated air. Should be an easy fix.