What’s this near my rear axle? Do I need to fix it?

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That looks like a fuel vent line. It’s supposed to help with emissions, but it’s disconnected. You should reattach it, or it could eventually cause a check engine light.

Tatum said:
That looks like a fuel vent line. It’s supposed to help with emissions, but it’s disconnected. You should reattach it, or it could eventually cause a check engine light.

Thanks so much! That’s wild because I haven’t had a check engine light at all. Appreciate the help!

Good to hear there’s no light! There’s no reason anyone would touch that while doing your brakes, so it probably just came loose. Look for where it connects near the elbow joint and pop it back on. It’s mostly a vent, so it’s not urgent, but reconnecting it would prevent fuel spills if you overfill the tank.

Got it, I’ll check it out and reattach it if I can. Thanks a lot for explaining!

By the way, nice tires lol.

Oakes said:
By the way, nice tires lol.

Haha, I was thinking the same thing!

That looks like an overflow or vent pipe for the fuel filler. Also, you might want to replace those tires soon.

Forget the vent line—those tires are in rough shape. You might end up in a ditch or worse before winter hits. Check your oil too, just in case.

I’m still wondering why whoever did your brakes didn’t point out the tires. Those should be replaced ASAP.