What’s Your Investment Strategy with Trump Back?

With Trump back, how are you planning to adjust your asset allocation?

Are there certain industries or companies that might be safer under his policies? What’s the outlook on tariffs and which sectors could be less impacted?

Also, any thoughts on defense stocks doing well if global tensions rise? And is it smart to hold more cash to grab opportunities in market dips?

Honestly, markets usually get it wrong about which stocks gain under a new President. Prices go up, only to drop later, while stocks expected to suffer end up stable.

Best move? Stick to your strategy and don’t react too much.

INTC is already up in premarket, and it looks like Republicans are not so keen on the CHIPS Act anymore. It’s just early gains, but I didn’t see that coming.

Jai said:
INTC is already up in premarket, and it looks like Republicans are not so keen on the CHIPS Act anymore. It’s just early gains, but I didn’t see that coming.

That’s probably because the administration might allow mergers in that sector, maybe even a monopoly, who knows.

Strange that’s getting downvoted…seems pretty logical to me.

Afton said:
Strange that’s getting downvoted…seems pretty logical to me.

Probably the downvote was for the monopoly comment. I doubt they’ll let a monopoly happen in chips. It’s not like cell phones or airlines where there are few players.

The CHIPS Act gave a lot of money to Intel, and now they’re laying off thousands. Not the best bill.

When you see how far companies like Google, Apple, Meta have gone, it’s not that far-fetched.

Jai said:
INTC is already up in premarket, and it looks like Republicans are not so keen on the CHIPS Act anymore. It’s just early gains, but I didn’t see that coming.

Republicans want to get rid of the CHIPS act.

Why? Isn’t this all about bringing manufacturing back to the US?

I think Speaker Johnson said it’s because they don’t like all the extra stuff added to the bill.

Solid advice.

VTI and chill, sticking to my plan.

I wouldn’t rely on this forum’s predictions. Last time they didn’t even get the election outcome right. Don’t risk your money that way.

Denver said:
I wouldn’t rely on this forum’s predictions. Last time they didn’t even get the election outcome right. Don’t risk your money that way.

Do the opposite of what this forum suggests.

Expect inflation by the end of Trump’s term. Most voters won’t understand how trade wars, supply chain issues, and overproduction of oil can lead to inflation.

If Trump pushes oil production, the Fed might cut rates to zero again. That could lead to deflation, but people will blame Biden for it…it’s wild.

It’s really unfortunate seeing how this all plays out.

Casey said:
It’s really unfortunate seeing how this all plays out.

Oil market will go bearish, while tech could soar. Banks might lag because of their oil investments. This election was tech vs. oil.

You’re spot on. People just don’t get how the economy works. Banks adjusted their rates, and look what happened to the tech sector.

Bevan said:
You’re spot on. People just don’t get how the economy works. Banks adjusted their rates, and look what happened to the tech sector.

I had a great trade set up, but I took profits early and missed out on even bigger gains. The key to trading is connecting these dots.

Why will oil go bearish and tech soar? I’m not following.

Micah said:
Why will oil go bearish and tech soar? I’m not following.

Tech is heavily investing in cheaper energy sources like nuclear. If oil prices drop too low, it hurts the oil industry’s profit margins.