What's this red stuff on my engine?

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Could it be coolant?

Sage said:
Could it be coolant?

Some people suggested that, but my coolant is neon green.

It looks like gasket tack or the red stuff used on battery terminals.

It might be battery terminal protector spray. Someone could’ve overdone it and sprayed the engine bay. It should come off with brake cleaner and a rag.

Are you in Australia? That looks like Aussie dirt, not sure about the spiders though.

Cedar said:
Are you in Australia? That looks like Aussie dirt, not sure about the spiders though.

Nope, I’m in Canada.

Could anyone have added UV dye to the engine oil? Some UV dyes are red but glow green under UV light. The red might be from oil seepage or vapor deposits.

Zinn said:
Could anyone have added UV dye to the engine oil? Some UV dyes are red but glow green under UV light. The red might be from oil seepage or vapor deposits.

I changed the oil myself, so unless the oil had UV additives, no one added anything. I used Pennzoil high mileage full synthetic.

I see red fluid under the bolt hole in one of the pictures. Maybe it’s oil with red dye?

It might be a small leak. Turn on the engine and have someone move the steering wheel while you check the engine bay. It could be spraying out.

It looks like a leak that’s being misted onto a dirty engine. In the second picture, the liquid seems to be dripping from a bolt, likely blown around by the fan or air movement. It’s probably a power steering leak, possibly from a line under pressure.

It looks like red power steering fluid or transmission fluid. Check the power steering fluid level and have someone help you observe the pump while the wheels are turned. Power steering fluid seems more likely, but trans fluid could be the issue too.

I know I have a coolant leak (it’s minor, just haven’t fixed it because of the cold), but I believe power steering and transmission fluids are fine. I’ll look into it more though.

It might be a coolant leak. Try taking off the spark plugs and checking the area between them.

Orin said:
It might be a coolant leak. Try taking off the spark plugs and checking the area between them.

I’m planning to check it, but I’m a bit worried. If there’s coolant in there, what should I do? How do I clean it? Can I put the plugs back in and drive it, or should I remove the coolant first?

You should clean the coolant with a rag or suction device. After that, try to find where it’s coming from.

This is definitely a leak. It’s probably from the overflow reservoir or the water pump. If the water pump is leaking, it could be spraying coolant onto the serpentine belt and spreading it around the engine bay.