Where to start reading the Bible?

I have considered myself a Christian for a while, but haven’t actually read the Bible cover to cover. I tried Matthew, since it’s the first book in the New Testament, but never finished. Looking for recommendations! Where’s a good place to start reading the Bible? Are there specific books I should focus on first?


Start with the easier sections to avoid becoming frustrated, then go to the more difficult stuff. I would recommend starting with the four New Testament gospels in the following order:

  • Mark
  • Luke
  • Matthew John
    One of the most crucial things you should know about the Bible before you start reading it is that it is not “a book.” You are reading a collection of books—plural. And the novels are not arranged in chronological sequence. There is no reason why you should feel obligated to read the books in the order they were compiled.
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Get back into a firm belief system by reading John and 1 John. Then reading through Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians is highly recommended.

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A good place to start reading the Bible is the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It provides a clear introduction to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

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The Bible can seem like a big book to start with. If you’re curious about it, why not begin with the Gospels? These are the stories of Jesus’ life, his teachings, amazing acts, and kindness. They’re a great introduction to the core beliefs of Christianity.

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There are two main approaches to where you can start reading the Bible:

  1. Beginning with the New Testament:

This approach is popular, especially for newcomers. The New Testament focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, central to Christianity. Here are some recommended starting points within the New Testament:

The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John): These books narrate Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Each Gospel provides a unique perspective, making it enriching to read all four. You might consider starting with John, which emphasizes Jesus’ divinity and teachings.

  1. Starting with a Book of Wisdom:

The Bible includes books that offer guidance and inspiration, often serving as easier entry points compared to historical narratives. Here are a couple of options:

Proverbs: This book contains practical sayings that offer wisdom for everyday life. Psalms: This collection of poems expresses a wide range of emotions and offers beautiful prayers to God. Ultimately, where you begin depends on your interests. Here are some additional tips:

Use Bible Study Resources: Utilize study guides or online resources that provide context and insights into the readings. Start with Short Sessions: Begin with shorter reading sessions and gradually extend them as you become more comfortable. Follow a Reading Plan: Many websites and apps offer reading plans that guide you through different sections of the Bible over a specified period.

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Start with the first five books of the Old Testament

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Focus on the thirteen Epistles by paul

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hello guys! you start reading the bible at the old testament.

The greatest place to begin reading the Bible is with the New Testament. Often called the gospels, the first four books of the Bible—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—tell the story of Jesus’ life and career.