Why do people dislike pigeons? I think they’re awesome!

I live in Seattle and enjoy feeding pigeons from my hand. Some call them things like ‘flying rats,’ but I think they’re amazing creatures. Why do people feel so negatively about them? Also, do you know any cool facts about these birds?

In Australia, pigeons cause a lot of problems. They’re invasive and destructive, but I agree they’re cool animals. Honestly, humans are the ones who brought them here, so it’s our fault. I also love rats, so I see pigeons as sky rats in a good way—both are smart and misunderstood.

What kind of problems do they cause?

Ash said:
What kind of problems do they cause?

They leave droppings everywhere, outcompete native animals for resources, destroy plants, and even attack nests of other birds. They’ve been known to kill small lizards and spread diseases to chickens. It’s sad because they’re just doing what they’re built to do, but they’ve caused a lot of damage here.

Wow, that’s a pretty serious list of issues.

Ash said:
Wow, that’s a pretty serious list of issues.

Yeah, unfortunately, invasive species often cause huge problems in ecosystems they’re not native to. There are native pigeon species too, but they’re much less common than the introduced ones.

People dislike them because they’re so common in cities, and their droppings can cause significant damage. Fun fact: the Rock Pigeon is thought to be the first bird ever domesticated by humans!

Ezri said:
People dislike them because they’re so common in cities, and their droppings can cause significant damage. Fun fact: the Rock Pigeon is thought to be the first bird ever domesticated by humans!

I get that, but human trash on the streets feels like a bigger problem than pigeon droppings. Plus, they’re so friendly and trusting when you feed them.

I totally agree! Pigeons are really smart and sweet birds. They get a bad reputation because most of them are feral and live in dirty environments created by humans. In cleaner settings, they’re no more ‘dirty’ than any other bird. They’ve been unfairly blamed for problems we cause.

I love pigeons too! They always make me smile when they’re strutting around like they own the place. They’re also gorgeous with their different color patterns. I’ve always had a soft spot for animals with bad reputations like pigeons, rats, bats, and hyenas.

Pigeons are awesome. Keep feeding them if it brings you joy. I do the same, and I’ve had people laugh or say rude things to me, but I don’t care. For a few moments, I like to think I’m making their lives a bit better.

I used to live in Seattle too, and I loved the pigeons there. Their subtle iridescent colors are so beautiful. Say hi to them for me!

BrainteaserBuddy said:
I think people worry they spread diseases.

So do humans.