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Oil pressure , sludge pressure
Amir said:
Oil pressure, sludge pressure
Take off the oil pan and clean the pickup tube. Replace the O-ring on the tube. Hope for the best!
Bowie said:
Take off the oil pan and clean the pickup tube. Replace the O-ring on the tube. Hope for the best!
I’m in the middle of doing this on my 05 Yukon with a 5.3L engine. The pickup tube wasn’t held in place by anything. Fingers crossed my oil pressure goes from 15 at cold idle to 40+.
There wasn’t any sludge in mine.
For reference, my truck has 241k miles.
The O-ring is a major issue. You usually have to pull the tube out. You got lucky there.
Bowie said:
The O-ring is a major issue. You usually have to pull the tube out. You got lucky there.
I know… I have no history on the truck. Bought it with a bad transmission. Got that fixed, and then came this issue oh well.
That’s a lot of sludge! It’s probably why you have low oil pressure.
This usually happens when oil changes are skipped. You can try doing an oil ‘flush’ with a few oil changes, adding some ATF for a few oil changes and changing the oil and filter more often until most of the sludge clears up.
But to get all the sludge out, you’ll need to clean it by hand. There’s a good chance you have sludge in the oil pan, oil pump, and oil galleries. It’s possible sludge even got into the lifters and crankshaft.
With 300k miles, you may want to just run it until the engine dies and start saving for a new engine or vehicle.
If you go with the O-ring fix, try using Valvoline Restore and Protect. It should slowly clean the sludge up.
Check the oil pressure sensor filter.
That engine needs a good soak in a diesel bath and a re-seal.