BSOD (system service exception, kmode exception not handled, etc.) on Asus TUF A15 while charging

I’m encountering BSOD issues (like ‘system service exception’, ‘kmode exception not handled’, and ‘IRQL not less or equal’) on my Asus TUF A15 when I plug in the charger. The laptop also goes to a black screen while charging. It works fine on battery power, though I get minor BSOD errors occasionally. I’ve updated all drivers and increased the RAM to 8 + 16 GB. What can I do to fix this? The error points to ‘ntoskrnl.exe (IRQL not less or equal)’.

Have you checked for dump files? They can give insight into what’s causing the BSOD. If you can boot into Windows or Safe Mode, look in C:\Windows\Minidump for any dump files.

I haven’t checked yet. I’ll look for the dump files now.

Once you find the dump files, zip them and upload to a file sharing site like or We need multiple files for better analysis.

Got it! I’ll do that and share the files once I have them.

Sounds good! Once we see the dump files, we can help you troubleshoot further.

You might want to check your power settings too. Sometimes, power management settings can cause issues when charging.

I’ll check those settings as well. Thanks for the tip!