Can my old boss ruin my chances at new jobs?

I’m at a new job now, but I’m using my old job as a reference. I have a feeling my former boss might be talking bad about me. There’s a company photo from when I was there, and I had a skin condition at the time. I’m worried he’s using that photo or saying negative things. It’s been about six months since I left, and I don’t know if there’s anything I can legally do. Anyone have experience with this?

If he’s spreading lies about you, that could be defamation, but it’s tough to prove unless you have some solid evidence.

Nico said:
If he’s spreading lies about you, that could be defamation, but it’s tough to prove unless you have some solid evidence.

Wait, what counts as defamation in work situations?

Basically, if he’s making up stuff that damages your rep or affects your work chances, that could be defamation.

Nico said:
If he’s spreading lies about you, that could be defamation, but it’s tough to prove unless you have some solid evidence.

Makes sense, but I don’t have any real proof. Just a feeling based on past behavior.

If he’s just sharing things that are true, even if it’s embarrassing, it’s not defamation. Only false info counts.

Charlie said:
If he’s just sharing things that are true, even if it’s embarrassing, it’s not defamation. Only false info counts.

True. They’d have to prove it’s false for it to be defamation. If he’s talking about true things, it’s tough.

Charlie said:
If he’s just sharing things that are true, even if it’s embarrassing, it’s not defamation. Only false info counts.

Yeah, I think he’s just making me look bad. Don’t have actual proof, though.

If it’s really affecting you, maybe try a cease and desist letter. It could stop him if he’s saying things that are harmful.

Ash said:
If it’s really affecting you, maybe try a cease and desist letter. It could stop him if he’s saying things that are harmful.

Good idea. I’ll look into it. Thanks!

Doesn’t defamation have a time limit? Like, if it’s been a while, can you still do something?

Uma said:
Doesn’t defamation have a time limit? Like, if it’s been a while, can you still do something?

Yeah, usually you have a certain period to file. Think it’s around two years in some places, but double-check where you are.

Uma said:
Doesn’t defamation have a time limit? Like, if it’s been a while, can you still do something?

I’ll definitely check on that, thanks for the heads up!

If others at your old job won’t back you up, that’s rough. Small towns can be tough for stuff like this. Just keep documenting in case you need it later.

Adi said:
If others at your old job won’t back you up, that’s rough. Small towns can be tough for stuff like this. Just keep documenting in case you need it later.

For sure. Everyone there is loyal to him, so I’m on my own.

Adi said:
If others at your old job won’t back you up, that’s rough. Small towns can be tough for stuff like this. Just keep documenting in case you need it later.

Small towns have their own rules sometimes. Keep all the notes you can if it keeps being an issue.