Could my old boss be ruining my chances with new jobs?

I’m working at a new job now, but I used my last employer as a reference. Problem is, I didn’t leave on the best terms with my old boss, and I think he might be giving me a bad rep. There’s a photo from back then where I had a skin condition, and I’m worried he’s using it to hurt my chances. Do I have any options here, or am I out of luck without proof?

If he’s actually lying about you, that could be defamation. You’d need evidence to make a strong case, though.

Vern said:
If he’s actually lying about you, that could be defamation. You’d need evidence to make a strong case, though.

What exactly makes it defamation? Like, what do they have to be doing?

Defamation is when someone spreads false info about you that hurts your reputation, especially if it affects job opportunities.

Vern said:
If he’s actually lying about you, that could be defamation. You’d need evidence to make a strong case, though.

Makes sense. My issue is I don’t have proof—just a strong feeling based on what he’s done before.

If he’s only sharing true stuff, even if it’s unflattering, it doesn’t count as defamation. Has to be untrue to qualify.

Reagan said:
If he’s only sharing true stuff, even if it’s unflattering, it doesn’t count as defamation. Has to be untrue to qualify.

Yeah, truth isn’t defamation, no matter how it makes you look. Only false claims count.

Reagan said:
If he’s only sharing true stuff, even if it’s unflattering, it doesn’t count as defamation. Has to be untrue to qualify.

Got it. It just feels like he’s going out of his way to mess with my chances.

If it’s impacting your job chances, a cease and desist letter might be worth a try. Sometimes that’s enough to make them stop.

Channing said:
If it’s impacting your job chances, a cease and desist letter might be worth a try. Sometimes that’s enough to make them stop.

Good suggestion! I hadn’t thought about that. Thanks!

Doesn’t defamation have a filing deadline? Like, if this has been going on for a while, can you still take action?

Quill said:
Doesn’t defamation have a filing deadline? Like, if this has been going on for a while, can you still take action?

Yes, most places have a limit, usually around two years. Check your state’s rules to be sure.

Quill said:
Doesn’t defamation have a filing deadline? Like, if this has been going on for a while, can you still take action?

Thanks! I’ll look into the time frame where I am.

If you’re in a small town, it can be tough if your old coworkers won’t speak up. Just keep notes on what happens, just in case.

Diya said:
If you’re in a small town, it can be tough if your old coworkers won’t speak up. Just keep notes on what happens, just in case.

For sure. No one there wants to go against the boss.

Diya said:
If you’re in a small town, it can be tough if your old coworkers won’t speak up. Just keep notes on what happens, just in case.

Yeah, small town loyalty can make things harder. Keeping a record is smart.