Is finding love at 31 too late

The world has always been the same; you just weren’t born yet.

If 31 is too late, then I (35 male) am really stuck…

Lol, it’s definitely not too late. It might be hard to figure things out, but don’t be hard on yourself. Dating can be tough at any age.

Am I the youngest here? I’m 27 male :thinking: but I feel like I’m in my 40s.

It really depends on what kind of person you are.

You are still young and have a lot more ahead. Enjoy whatever you do :smiling_face:

It’s not too late. I was single until I met my ex-wife at 35 and have been single again for almost a year. It’s not the best example, but I’m optimistic. I hope you meet someone amazing who treats you well.

Dating can be fun when done right. Try casual dating, with or without kissing or more. Sex is enjoyable too, but only when both of you feel comfortable.

No, many people get married later now.

Do both. You can have children in your early 40s now. Doctors are great. I had my second child at 40 with no problems, and my daughter was healthy.

Focus on your career and date on the side. Don’t make dating your main focus. Be selective with your time; don’t go on dates just for the sake of it. If you meet someone special, consider your career choices once you’re seriously together. I had a good job offer to move across the country when I was 30, but my fiancé didn’t want to move, so I declined. I’m glad I did. I don’t think we could have handled the distance, and I wouldn’t have my wonderful children.

So do both, but if you meet someone amazing, make some career changes. People on their deathbeds don’t wish they had worked more; they wish they had loving friends and family.

Have you never tried dating before? How is that possible?

But putting curiosity aside, is there someone who shows you they like you?

No, nobody has shown signs of liking me.

I’m a bit of a loner and don’t like people much, but I’m a really nice person! :sweat_smile:

Yes, I tried, and honestly, I give up now. If love comes to me, it will happen, but I’m not willing to try anymore. I’m tired.

I would say it’s like growing a tree. The best time to start was years ago. The next best time is now. I’m sure the right person will see what you have to offer, and it’s okay to work on your life while looking for love. I’m also single and getting my life together, but I hope to meet the right person at the right time.

I was 35 when I ‘got my life together.’

There’s no main timeline to follow.

People do things at their own pace, take time to figure things out, and try new things.

Also, dating and a career can work together.


You can do both.

I’m 32 male and trust me, things have changed a lot. It’s not that I dislike women, but most of them want unrealistic men or they just want your money these days.

You might feel hopeless sometimes, but be patient. Everything will be okay in the end.