I’m renting a small suite as an independent stylist, and the owner wants to install a camera in the space. Not sure if this is legal or if I have any privacy rights. Anyone familiar with this?
From what I know, cameras are generally allowed in workspaces, but not in spots where you’d expect privacy, like restrooms.
Wren said:
From what I know, cameras are generally allowed in workspaces, but not in spots where you’d expect privacy, like restrooms.
That makes sense, but I sometimes change in there if the restroom is busy. Does that make a difference?
Could be a gray area… might want to talk to the landlord about that.
In NYC, they can put cameras in business areas, but not in places where people would undress.
Finley said:
In NYC, they can put cameras in business areas, but not in places where people would undress.
Thanks for the info! I also do waxing services, so it might feel a bit invasive.
If it’s capturing sensitive stuff, it’s definitely worth bringing up with the owner.
If there’s audio recording too, that’s a whole different thing. Audio has stricter privacy laws.
Miller said:
If there’s audio recording too, that’s a whole different thing. Audio has stricter privacy laws.
Oh wow, didn’t think of that! I sometimes have personal convos with clients. Could that be an issue?
Yeah, audio recording might cross the line. Worth checking with the landlord about it.
Maybe have a talk with the owner and ask if they can keep the camera out of certain areas.
Penn said:
Maybe have a talk with the owner and ask if they can keep the camera out of certain areas.
Good idea! I’ll see if they’re open to moving it or adjusting where it points.
I think they just want to keep an eye on things, but yeah, some privacy for clients would be fair.
Reeve said:
I think they just want to keep an eye on things, but yeah, some privacy for clients would be fair.
Exactly. I get the need for security, but hoping they’ll work with me on this.