Hey folks, I just had a pre-ARD meeting, and the school staff is asking if I’ve thought about dismissing my formal grievance complaint. Is that something they usually do? I’m kinda unsure about what to do next… any advice?
I went through something like that before. It’s kinda awkward when they rush you to dismiss it.
Kim said:
I went through something like that before. It’s kinda awkward when they rush you to dismiss it.
For sure! I wouldn’t want to drop it until I’m sure everything’s been handled properly.
Kim said:
I went through something like that before. It’s kinda awkward when they rush you to dismiss it.
Definitely get something in writing from them first! That’s super important.
I think it’s wise to keep an eye on things before you let it go. You want to be sure!
Zeek said:
I think it’s wise to keep an eye on things before you let it go. You want to be sure!
Exactly! It’s all about making sure there are real changes in place.
I’d say hold off on dismissing it for now. You need to feel good about the situation first.
What’s this pre-ARD meeting about? Sounds like a lot to handle.
It seems like a bad idea to rush this. Make sure you’re comfortable with their responses.