Make sure to provide him with a safe space, food, and water. If you’re worried about your bite, consider getting a tetanus shot.
Looks like a gerbil, maybe?
Reminds me of a hamster we once adopted; bit me hard when we first brought it home, then it escaped with its babies. Lesson: always secure the lid!
Pretty sure that’s a hamster.
That’s a hamster. If you decide to keep it, they need a spacious habitat, lots of bedding, and proper enrichment. Many commercial cages are too small and can harm their spine.
Clean the bite well and use antibiotic ointment. You should be fine.
Why was it in a flower pot?
Reilly said:
Why was it in a flower pot?
It bit me, so I put it in there to keep it from running away while I regrouped. I’ve never handled a hamster before.
Reilly said:
Why was it in a flower pot?
It bit me, so I put it in there to keep it from running away while I regrouped. I’ve never handled a hamster before.
Next time, use gloves to pick it up. Syrian hamsters are fast. Don’t leave it outside or uncovered!
I did use gloves, but it bit through them. Thankfully, the wound looks okay now. Planning to take it to a shelter tomorrow. Appreciate all the help!
Could it be a Degu?