My son’s a freshman with an IEP, and he’s been telling me his math teacher openly says she doesn’t like him and picks on everything he does. He can be a handful sometimes, but it feels off for a teacher to say that out loud to him in class. I have an IEP meeting next week and emailed the teacher to confirm if she’ll be there, but haven’t confronted her yet. Any advice on what to do next?
That sounds pretty harsh. Teachers are supposed to be supportive, especially in special ed. Has he mentioned anything else like this?
Keir said:
That sounds pretty harsh. Teachers are supposed to be supportive, especially in special ed. Has he mentioned anything else like this?
Yeah, he says she’s like this almost every day. I’m not sure if it’s just him or if she treats others like that too.
Keir said:
That sounds pretty harsh. Teachers are supposed to be supportive, especially in special ed. Has he mentioned anything else like this?
Could be just him if he’s the one noticing it. Kids can feel singled out easily, especially if she’s not being careful with her words.
Did she explain why she’s got an issue with him? Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding?
Sable said:
Did she explain why she’s got an issue with him? Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding?
It started over gum. She told him to spit it out, he ended up swallowing it instead, then she wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom and made that comment.
Sable said:
Did she explain why she’s got an issue with him? Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding?
That’s kinda petty over a gum situation. Teachers need to pick their battles better!
If she’s a special ed teacher, she should know how to handle students with different needs. Sounds like she’s not really getting that.
Merritt said:
If she’s a special ed teacher, she should know how to handle students with different needs. Sounds like she’s not really getting that.
That’s what bothers me too. Special ed teachers are supposed to understand that kids have different challenges. He would do fine with a little extra support.
Merritt said:
If she’s a special ed teacher, she should know how to handle students with different needs. Sounds like she’s not really getting that.
I’m bringing this up in the IEP meeting for sure. Maybe they can help her see the impact of her approach.
Is switching to a different class an option? He shouldn’t feel like he’s being picked on every day.
Nico said:
Is switching to a different class an option? He shouldn’t feel like he’s being picked on every day.
I was thinking about that. I’ll ask during the meeting. It’s a special ed math class though, so I don’t know if they have many options.
Nico said:
Is switching to a different class an option? He shouldn’t feel like he’s being picked on every day.
Even if it’s limited, they might be able to work something out if he’s clearly uncomfortable.
Maybe see if another teacher can review his work? If her grading’s off, it could be more proof for your case.
Weston said:
Maybe see if another teacher can review his work? If her grading’s off, it could be more proof for your case.
That’s a good idea! I’ve been wondering if she’s marking him harshly because of her attitude.
Weston said:
Maybe see if another teacher can review his work? If her grading’s off, it could be more proof for your case.
Yeah, and if you notice a pattern, it’ll back you up if you need to request changes.