So, I took a breathalyzer test on Friday and blew a 0.049. I haven’t been suspended or anything, which is surprising because the policy says I should be. Instead, I worked from home on Monday, then went to the office Tuesday and Wednesday. I had meetings with my boss, the other VP, and my team. We were supposed to have an update on my big project tomorrow, but my boss moved it to early next week to give us more time since we’re making good progress. Just got a meeting invite from him for a one-on-one tomorrow at 2 pm in the office. This is unusual since we normally don’t meet in person. Last Friday, he gave me some initial feedback on my performance and mentioned he’d send more guidance this week. Our annual evaluations are happening, so he needs to finalize my goals before I do my self-assessment. I’m wondering what I should prepare for. If I failed the test, what does it mean that I’ve been able to work for three days without being suspended? The policy states I should be suspended until the results come in, and then termination follows if the test is positive. I just need some clarity on what to expect.
Wow, that sounds confusing. I can see why you’re worried. It seems like they’re handling things kinda informally.
Charlie said:
Wow, that sounds confusing. I can see why you’re worried. It seems like they’re handling things kinda informally.
Yeah, I agree. Usually, they’re strict about this stuff. Maybe they’re still figuring things out?
That meeting tomorrow sounds important. Be ready for them to discuss the test results and your performance. Good luck!
I’d definitely review your feedback and have examples of your achievements ready. You might need them if the test comes up.
QuantumJester3 said:
I’d definitely review your feedback and have examples of your achievements ready. You might need them if the test comes up.
Yeah, I’ll do that! I just hope it doesn’t go south…
Just to clarify, do you think your boss even knows about the test? Sounds like he’s not been involved much.
Ari said:
Just to clarify, do you think your boss even knows about the test? Sounds like he’s not been involved much.
I wonder that too. He didn’t accompany me, and HR hasn’t followed up since.
Sounds like they’re being a bit lenient. Maybe use that to your advantage if they bring up the test. Good luck!